What Does the Rise of AI in Tech Mean for the Workforce?

2023-03-23 by Amanda Morse

What Does the Rise of AI in Tech Mean for the Workforce?

What Does the Rise of AI in Tech Mean for the Workforce?

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been making waves in the workforce for several years. Most recently, it's been one of the top tech trends thanks to ChatGPT, an AI chatbot trained to follow an instruction within a prompt and provide a detailed response. As AI continues to grow, it has the potential to transform industries and revolutionize how we work and do business. From automating repetitive tasks to enhancing decision-making, AI and machine learning in tech bring significant changes and new possibilities. However, as these advancements come to fruition, some fear AI will displace human workers.

In this article, we'll look at AI's capabilities, how it compares to humans, and its potential impact on the workforce.

The Evolution of AI

AI is the future of tech and has become a critical component of the modern workforce, creating endless benefits and use cases. Regardless of the industry or job function, the most common benefit is eliminating repetitive processes. It is crucial in enhancing business workflows by making once mundane and time-consuming tasks more efficient, accurate, and affordable. As a result, employees can prioritize tasks and allocate their focus to other business areas. Additionally, business leaders can apply the valuable insights and data collected by AI to their decision-making. 

AI-powered processes play many roles within an organization. Whether identifying or mitigating potential cybersecurity risks, optimizing complex processes, or transforming how companies interact with their customers, the impact of AI continues to grow, making it an essential tool for any forward-thinking organization. 

Humans Vs. AI

AI is excellent at processing vast amounts of data, predicting patterns, and simplifying complex processes. As a result, jobs that once required manual processes can now be carried out quickly, efficiently, and more accurately by AI. For example, ChatGPT can produce code faster than human engineers and requires fewer employees. Additionally, AI is revolutionizing other areas and industries, such as healthcare and life sciences, by helping professionals develop more personalized treatment plans and conduct clinical trials.

So, what does this mean for human labor? One way to look at AI is that it creates and disrupts more jobs than it eliminates. The development and deployment of AI requires a skilled workforce to design, develop, implement, and maintain its systems. This means that instead of eliminating jobs, people need to reskill or upskill to fulfill these needs and become more valuable. Job roles may shift, moving people away from carrying out tedious tasks to instead monitoring the AI-enabled technology that has taken over doing the tasks for them.

Additionally, depending on the task, companies can't completely replace humans with AI because they don't have the same qualities and abilities. There are skills that AI has yet to master, such as creativity, decision-making, and critical thinking. AI-based machines can perform more accurately than humans but can't imagine or judge changing situations. They also aren't culturally sensitive, intuitive, or emotional. 

How to Work Smarter, Not Harder with AI

In recruiting, AI can be a powerful addition to creating more strategic and efficient processes. For example, it can support job advertising, applicant tracking, candidate pre-screening, pre-employment assessments, interview scheduling, background checks, and more. Recruiters can use it to improve the candidate experience, inform candidates of hiring decisions, and ensure compliance with regulations. 

Using ChatGPT for recruitment tactics is a key example of AI supporting, not replacing, humans. Recruiters can use ChatGPT to create clear and compelling job descriptions that accurately capture the job's requirements and qualifications. They can also implement it in messaging outreach via email and LinkedIn and for creating a list of interview questions for specific roles. The list goes on. By saving time in these areas, recruiters can focus on building relationships with applicants and finding the best candidate for the job.

The Future of AI in Tech Recruiting

To a certain extent, AI can help recruiters become more proactive in identifying candidates that fit the company's culture and job requirements and improve the hiring process for candidates. But because of the potential for bias, the possibility of overlooking qualified candidates, and the need to interview applicants, AI could never replace recruiters. However, human workers can work with AI to drive better results, streamline processes, and improve candidate experiences.


At eHire, we optimize the talent acquisition process for our clients by staying educated on the latest hiring trends to find the best candidates and ensure a smooth hiring process. Contact us today if you're ready to discuss how we can help you get the most out of your hiring strategy.